Psalter (2022-)
Cantor, Assembly, Organ, opt. SATB Choir, C-instrument, and Handbells

This Psalter comes from a desire for musically interesting psalm refrains that are also easy to learn and sing for an assembly. Mindfulness towards an attainable vocal range and the setting of the 2021 NRSVue translation of the psalter makes this a unique but applicable resource for any worship director wishing to give service to the new translation.

The refrains are set in a way that support both antiphonal and responsorial methods of singing the psalms. The Psalter comes with a series of unique psalm tones with suggested pairings for each refrain. There are tone options that can better accommodate an experienced cantor along with choral realizations if a choir is to be included in the leading or response of psalm verses.

Ultimately, the refrains are the centerpiece of this work with the tones and methods for implementation only a corollary resource from which to draw on.

An immense amount of work goes into these settings, so the resources have been divided up first by Year, and then into 5 books (a reflection of the five books that make up the book of Psalms). Psalms refrains can be purchased for use by each Sunday, by book, or by year. This is especially helpful if one is curious about this resource but they (or their institution) isn’t ready to financially commit to it.


Year A

0. Tones
1. Advent-Christmas
2. Epiphany-Transfiguration
3. Ash Wednesday-Holy Week
4. Easter-Pentecost
5. Holy Trinity-Christ the King

Year B

0. Tones
1. Advent-Christmas
2. Epiphany-Transfiguration
3. Ash Wednesday-Holy Week
4. Easter-Pentecost
5. Holy Trinity-Christ the King

Year C

0. Tones
1. Advent-Christmas
2. Epiphany-Transfiguration
3. Ash Wednesday-Holy Week
4. Easter-Pentecost
5. Holy Trinity-Christ the King